Resources for MEP Staff
TN MEP COE: Tennessee’s Certificate of Eligibility (COE) is based upon the National COE. It serves as the official record of the student’s eligibility to receive Migrant Education Program (MEP) services. The COE must be completed by an MEP recruiter to certify a student as migratory.
TN MEP ID&R Plan and Manual: The identification and recruitment (ID&R) of eligible migratory children and out-of-school youth is fundamental to a successful migrant education program. The Office of Migrant Education underscores the importance of ID&R by requiring each state to create an ID&R plan that details the guidelines, protocols, and processes the state will implement in order to successfully accomplish this critical component of its program.
Tennessee Parent Occupational Survey (OS): This confidential survey is distributed by school districts to help identify migratory students who may qualify to receive additional educational services, such as tutoring, school supplies, free or reduced-price lunch, summer camps, and other services. As explained in the Occupational Survey Protocol, once the survey is completed by a parent or guardian, it is returned to the school district and submitted to the Migrant Education Program (MEP). The TN MEP Outreach and Enrollment Team will reach out to families who qualify as migratory to help connect them to additional resources and support services. The most recent OS Protocol and Forms are in the Resources for School Districts page:
MEP Guidance: This Non-Regulatory Guidance, often referred to by its acronym “the NRG,” is drafted to help clarify requirements established by federal statute and regulations. The NRG includes examples of how states may comply with these federal requirements and provides information on useful resources available through the U.S. Department of Education. According to the Office of Migrant Education, information and examples in the NRG “should not be viewed as the "only" or the "best" way to comply with statutory or regulatory requirements.” It is important to consider the requirements established by each state to govern their Migrant Education Programs. For questions on how the NRG is implemented in TN MEP, please contact Matt Flaherty.
Tennessee Service Delivery Plan: According to the U.S. Department of Education Office of Migrant Education, “States are required by ESEA to develop a migrant-specific plan that will assist migratory children to make progress toward achievement of the State’s long-term goals and measurements of interim progress. This plan, known as the Service Delivery Plan (SDP), outlines the delivery and evaluation of the services provided to migratory children through their Migrant Education Program (MEP). The SDP is developed from the results of an up-to-date statewide Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA). The SDP is a comprehensive plan that describes the services the state education agency (SEA) will provide directly or through local operating agencies (LOAs) to meet the unique needs of migratory children; in other words, it is the SEA’s operational plan for the MEP.”
Comprehensive Needs Assessment: The Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) is completed as part of the Continuous Improvement Cycle of the Migrant Education Program (MEP). It provides information about the needs of migratory children and out-of-school youth in the state and helps the state establish priorities for serving the children and youth. For more information on the Continuous Improvement Cycle, the Service Delivery Plan, and Comprehensive Needs Assessment, check the U.S. Office of Migrant Education’s resource site at
MSIX Policies and Procedures: The U.S. Office of Migrant Education oversees the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX), a national records transfer system that enables states to exchange education-related student information to “help to improve the timeliness of school enrollments, improve the appropriateness of grade and course placements, and reduce incidences of unnecessary immunizations of migrant children.” The policies and procedures guide the use of MSIX.
TN MEP Data and Records Guidelines: This manual highlights a written and systematic approach to data collection and records exchange based on the proper adoption of agreed-upon policies and procedures that will lead to effective internal analysis along with the execution of inter/intrastate transfer of migrant student records. It provides information on using TN MEP’s data systems including MIS2000, TN Migrant, and MSIX.
TN MEP Allowable Expenditures: This provides background information to determine expenditures that are allowable with MEP funding and helps determine if expenses meet the reasonable, allowable, and necessary tests for purchase with MEP funds.